Saturday, March 31, 2012

I want a time machine.

Around this time of year I used to go to a place called Meadow Creek with a bunch of beady friends. This is the place where I learned most, if not all of my glass beadmaking knowledge. It was were Tom and Sage Holland lived and taught workshops.  

We would arrive on Wed. and classes ran Thurs though Monday. We would spend all day in the studio with breaks for walking in the woods or eating Sages beautiful food. At nights we would sit around a fire, or go back to the studio and work on the torch. At least one night during the class Tom would give us a slide show on the history of beads. This is were I learned to respect and admire those ancient beadmakers. 

Usually you only went to the workshops once or twice, but we formed such a strong family we went 5 and 6 times with just our group. The creative energy just flowed from one person to the next. 
It was beadmaking heaven. 
We still all talk and see each other. Some have had babies, others have moved on to other careers but we will always have Meadow Creek.

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