Monday, March 7, 2011

A good time was had by all

 It was a very busy weekend with lots of fun, glass, and creating. Some of you have never seen a glass bead class. It is really a lot of fun, and very intense. All the students were super happy and their heads are swimming with lots of new ideas.
I need a day to decompress but 
that's not going to happen. I am making new Podlettes and Pods to post on my Etsy site and just need to get some good photos, but by the time I get home the sun is down and the chance is gone. I need some good lighting so I can take photos anytime.
I do like the natural light so much better than bulbs. 
I think I need to go to bed....


  1. Wish I could have come to the class! They are so much fun!

    Get some rest :)

  2. Sounds like fun. I wish there were classes near me because the thought of burning my house down keeps me from investing in anything with fire larger than a creme brulee torch. lol

  3. Tomorrow is another day...Glad you had a good class.

  4. Oh I wish you were closer! I would love to learn how to! :)

  5. can't wait to see the new beads!
