Sunday, December 27, 2009

Some pictures of my work.

So I thought I would post some oldies but goodies photos of my work. These were shot by a local photographer and used to jury into art shows a in 2008. I took off the art show circuit for 2009
(expect for Bead and Button and the Gathering) to explore metal and combining the two mediums.
Hopefully I will be able to show some of my new work with photos from my new Nikon 3000 I got for Christmas.

I bought a "tutorial" from an artist on a forum that I frequent about how to photograph your work. So hopefully I will be able to post some of my new stuff and it will look good. Thanks Kevan!


  1. Libby these are beautiful!! I've resolved to take better pics of my stuff in 2010...or else have someone else do it. It's so important!

  2. Hey Karen. Oh I wish I could say that I took those pictures but it was a local photographer.
    I have finally got a new camera and I too hope to get better at taking my own pics.
